One of the biggest challenges the world is facing today is of over consumerism across the world. As the world is getting flatter and wealthier, large population countries like China, India & Indonesia are moving up on the consumer ladder. The rise in middle class along with higher affluence and spending power results in rapid consumerism in these countries. These 3 countries alone form 40% of world population. Just imagine how much materials would be needed to feed this consumerism euphoria. This rapid Consumerism in depleting our natural resources. The world needs more timber, more steel, more plastics, more petroleum to fuel this consumerism. Extracting these commodities pollute our environment and aid to global warming. Many of these natural resources are available in autocracies and its revenues are misused to propagate hate and anger.
For example. manufacturing 1 tonne of steel throws 4 tones of harmful gases in the air. The world consumes 800 billion plastic bags every year. Plastic bags are hazardous to produce; the pollution from plastic production is harmful to the environment. Most of them are made of polythene - they are hazardous to manufacture and are said to take up to 1,000 years to decompose on land and 450 years in water.
Majority of the world currently follows Cradle to Grave process where goods after usage are transferred to the dump yards. This is a gross wastage and underutlization of resources. There is a cap to the amount of resources land can provide. For example, we might be able to produce 6.3 Million tonnes of rice/ hectare and extract 20K tonnes of coal per hectare, but there is an threshold to this limit.
One solution to this problem is RECYCLING. Recycling is the most efficient method to reuse/ utilize resources.
The latest mantra in recycling is Cradle to Cradle ( C2C ). Here the complete product is built using recyclable materials which can be reused to create other products. I would like to come with a metric to categorize materials and products. This metric will be called Recyclable Index ( RI ). The government should come up with tax break incentive plans to promote this service where focus on using these products would be increased.
Its hight time the world now needs to take a stand. Because everytime you buy a plastic bag or an electric bulb, you are adding to the dump. So if you thought you are doing your bit by carpooling and using CFLs to prevent Global Warming, there is much more to do. Only procure recyclable paper, demand your furniture to manufacture furnitures using rugs and alumunium, ask your local chaiwala to serve tea in claypots. Remember, these small things make a difference, and its you have the mental ability to synthesize this diffrenciation
The thoughts are idealistic but coming during a recession is hilarious
Macho, we need a consumer driven society to ensure food and shelter for people
Circuit city was closed because of lack of consumerism amongst the Americans - 26000 jobs lost !!!
We support you! Let's go against over-consumerism!
There's nothing hugely wrong with consumerism (exceptthat it encourages us to work too much, reflect too little, and get angry, jealous and competitive too often). But accepting that we may "need" consumerism...we can at least go about it in a way that isn't going to destroy the planet. Cradle to cradle is one great example - let's get everyone on board with this, not just edgy or conscious designers. And I'm sure each person can buy a little bit less, buy fewer goods made in factories and shipped to us from overseas, and take more time supporting people and products in our local environments.
Dear Christine,
I partially agree with you. Over Consumerism has its benefits - It creates jobs, creates an avenue to express yourself.
But the flaws severely overshadows the benefits - Think about it --
When one buys a USD 2000 Louis Vuitton bag, does she/he realize that the 2k could have been so better spent on food/medicines of so many people who live on less than a a dollar a day. I am not against over consumerism but I am against this reality of high income gaps in countries like India/China or Saudi Arabia. and over consumerism drives it further. But want to thank you for visiting the blog and posting your comment
The argument that consumerism generates jobs and motivates cash flow is correct, but too much consumerism results in "redundant cash flow" wherein money and goods exchange hands without adding any real value to anyone.
Consumerism is like starting a diesel engine, once you start it you have to keep going. Idling the engine or over exerting- both are bad for the economy! We have to maintain the delicate balance of "uniform consumerism" on a global scale.
Hi Nikhil,
That was very insightful.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I agree with your statement that - "Consumerism is like starting a diesel engine, once you start it you have to keep going."
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