Saturday, August 29, 2009

No Qualms in saying NO !!

It was a bright serene Sunday afternoon, just the right ambience to study for my upcoming CAT 2005 exams. Just as I was going to concentrate on the next set of geometry problems, my friends barged in spoiling the harmony in the room. They had planned for a movie, and they wanted me to join them. My continuous resisting didn’t have any effect in front of their pestering. Eventually I gave in, and tagged along.
No friends in case you think I m in IIM Bangalore, I couldn’t crack the CAT and one of the reasons behind it was my Qualms in saying NO. Yes, NO to my ever partying friends in their endeavors, No to my relatives for their ever occurring functions and no to numerous other such occasions.
This article is not about focusing on priorities or commitments but to elaborate on the fine art of saying NO so that you don’t have to compromise on your goals, but at the same time not hurt the feelings of your loved ones.
There are many occasions where to ensure that our family, friends or colleagues are not disappointed, we take involuntary actions. Appeasing others gives a lot of satisfaction & joy, but when these actions cost us personally, academically or professionally, they are just not worth it.
Swami Vivekananda before catering to any requests, would scale it with these 3 parameters
1. Is it benefiting me?
2. Is it benefiting someone else? OR
3. Is it a noble thing to do?
One should judge all such situations with these 3 constraints. The skill of saying no is not something which can be mouth fed at school or college or maybe corporate life but it’s an education which is acquired by experience. The significance of this ability can’t be explained, but has to be realized.
We Indians due to our politeness and the culture of Athithi Devasya ( Guest is god ) don’t have the heart to say no to our close ones or in that case even strangers. But beware this feebleness has to be disposed of, otherwise you will the victim of lack of concern of others. After all it’s your life and it’s you who will suffer and no one else.
I have learnt the lesson and hope would succeed in my missions in future.
But remember a thin line has to be drawn where one has to bear in mind that the zeal to achieve your aspirations cannot overpower the need to serve humanity.
So, next time someone comes to you with an unreasonable request/demand, GO AHEAD and say NO !!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

MBA - insecuritization

If you are part of any top MBA program class in the world, you will be joining a group of achievers who have mostly led and outshined any group they have been part of. These MBA students generally are the top speakers, top creative thinkers, have been the natural leaders, swayed the groups to their ideas- basically the white swan among ugly ducklings. When you are in a situation where you have always excelled and have led the way, you get accustomed to the adulation and the admiration. I have always been portrayed as someone who is an achiever, someone who will always excel at whatever he does. With this perception in mind, I joined the MBA program at University of Hong Kong. With ego of the size of a gigantic blue whale, I entered my first lecture in the program. The very same day, I realized what it is to be part of the herd. It reminds me of the movie Madagascar- 2 where Marty the Zebra reaches the forest and meets other zebras for the first time. Marty is depressed and perturbed by this self realization that he is not unique and there are many others who have stripes and can perform his famed water act. .
Relating this story to ours, my class has 53 students. Every student has a special story to tell. They all come to the MBA class from distinct backgrounds with some kind of accomplishments under their belts. They all excel at public speaking, creating lateral thought processes, articulately sharing their ideas - basically being fantastic at whatever they do. Someone who is used to being hailed as the MAN, being among such champions is like losing one's identity. In a moment, you realize that you are not the smartest, or the most hard working person in the world. And this self realization brings you to the brink of deep insecurity and emotional turbulence. That’s why I term doing a MBA as becoming insecure or the process of INSECURITIZATION
I am sure most of the 53 students in the class would have / will feel this emotion sometime during the course. I believe that in such a crisis situation, what you need is the support & cooperation of your fellow students. I guess this is what “teammanship” is.
This experience has also made me realize the MBA program should help students improve on their EQ ( emotional quotient ).

There are three types of quotients ( Qs ) in the modern world.
They are :-
1. Emotional Quotient ( EQ)
2. Spiritual Quotient (SQ)
3. Intelligent Quotient ( IQ )
Contrary to most, I believe EQ is the key behind living a content & balanced life. Don’t want to talk about EQ now but on a soft note, would advise everyone to live their life to the maximum. Stop thinking about what others in the class might be doing now. Do what you want to do because that’s what matters and nothing else.
Have a good weekend !!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Indian way of doing Business

Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House in
D.C. One from Bangladesh , another from India and the third, from China .

They go with a White House office to examine the fence.

The Bangladesh contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring,
then works some figures with a pencil. "Well", he says, "I figure the job will run about $900. ($400 for materials, $400 for my team and $100 profit for me)".

The Chinese contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do this job for $700. ($300 for materials, $300 for my team and $100 profit for me)".

The Indian contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, "$2,700."

The official, incredulous, says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?"

The Indian contractor whispers back, "$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we
hire the guy from China to fix the fence."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Follow your passion - because it's now or never

In the current times, life has become so mechanical and robotic that most of the masses have forgotten how to relate to their emotions and passions. One tends to lives a perfectly “normal” life where he performs the regular tasks of the day and eventually goes to sleep. The next day, again he repeats those tasks – The vicious cycle goes on.
What eventually lost in this mundane routine is - to follow your passion and zeal.

It’s very easy to get trapped in this materialistic world, where everyone is running after the Rolexes & the Porsches. These worldly goods bring you happiness but again that happiness is short lived and ultimately drives you to crave more. Maybe move to the next level – move to the Corums and the Maybachs !!
A successful life is one that is lived through understanding and pursuing one's own passions, not chasing after the dreams of others. In a culture like India, where everyone who “cares” for you and wants you to be successful; they symbolize success to be a high paying job or a successful business. What is lost here is contentment for the long term.
During this rat race for success, people are increasing forgetting to do things which they like to do. Ultimately, when a person twenty years down the line realizes the stuff he/she missed on doing, a void is created in his mind & being which is very difficult to fill.
Create interest in some kind of passion which is not work/worldly goods related. It could be traveling, philanthropy or the arts. Make sure to take a vacation every year. Make sure to derive your anti-stress pill out of it and the world would suddenly be a much better place to live in. For me - my stress buster is writing this blog. Because it gives me an avenue to vent out my frustation and anguish.

My suggestion to all is – Live your life to the fullest – drink the bottle of wine to its lees.
Because, now won’t come back. And it’s running away from you very rapidly …

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

great read for beginners who want to understand the basics of Economics

A good friend suggested me to read this

I am glad I took his suggestion -

There you go !!

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